Charles B. Bryan - L Company, Third Battalion, 358th Infantry, 90th Division
The Citation - Publication of The Third Battalion
May 26th, 1945 - Waldmunchen, Germany
Lieutenant-Colonel Charles B. Bryan
The present commanding officer of this Battalion was born in Charleston, South Carolina on 5 April 1919. He spent the usual eventful childhood acquiring a fondness for riding horses and sailing boats in historic Charleston Bay.
After completing high school, he entered Clemson Military School in 1936. Following a busy four years, he graduated receiving a Second Lieutenant's commission in the United States Army Reserve.
In March of '42, the then Lieutenant Bryan was called to active duty and assigned to the 176th Infantry Regiment. While with this outfit, he was promoted to the grade of Captain. Tour of duty here lasted well over one year and included Capital Guard duty, maneuvers and acting as Demonstration Troops for the OCS classes at Fort Benning, Georgia.
When the Regiment was inactivated in the Spring of '44, Captain Bryan reported to Fort Meade for POMing. Next stop was Camp Miles Standish. It was from here that he left the States on 6 June 1944, D Day. After a brief seven day trip, the boat docked inEngland. From here Capt. Bryan crossed overto France and joined this Battalion on 16 July 1944 while the Battalion was at Gores recovering from the bitter Foret de Mont Castre fight. Captain Bryan was given command of Company L.
It was with L Company that he participated in the dash across France, the storming of the Moselle and Saar Rivers, and the "Tettingen Incident." For his outstanding bravery in these actions, he received the French Croix de Guerre at a presentation in Metz.
On 16 December 1944, Captain Bryan was transferred to Battalion Headquarters as Battalion Executive Officer. He served in this capacity until 18 February 1945 when he assumed command of the Battalion. Promotion followed rapidly with a Majority coming through 4 March and Lieutenant Colonelcy on 28 April 1945.
Lieutenant-Colonel Charles B. Bryan has been awarded the DSC, Silver Star, Croix de Guerre, Purple Heart, and ETO bar with two campaign stars. His family currently resides in John's Island, South Carolina and includes 24 points worth of boys -- aged 3 years and 6 months.
Click here to read about Story of a Citizen Soldier, the personal memoir of Charles Bryan.
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