Henry P. Marszalek - L Company, Third Battalion, 358th Infantry, 90th Division
My father Henry P. Marszalek from Gary, Indiana entered into active duty in the U.S. Army on August 27, 1943 at Indianapolis, Indiana. He was soon assigned to Camp Van Dorn, Mississippi for training. Here he earned an Expert Medal at automatic rifle and baynonet, and a Sharpshooter Medal at rifle and carbine.
During the first week of February, 1944, he was assigned to Fort Dix, New Jersey. Here he became part of the 90th Division, 358th Regiment, Company L. After arriving in England in April, 1944, the division trained for the upcoming D-Day Invasion. The 358th arrived in France on D-Day plus 2.
As an automatic rifleman, he was wounded on June 11th near Ste-mere Eglise, France. He was sent back to England for treatment. My father rejoined his unit during the first part of July to fight in some of the fiercest battles of Normandy.
(As per Morning Report of July 13th, he had been erroneously reported as KIA in June.) The company fought across France as part of the breakout at St. Lo.
On August 19th, on patrol, at point, while giving cover fire, my father was wounded by a grenade intended for the enemy. Seriously wounded, he was pulled away from the line of fire by a German soldier. Later he was evacuated to the 103rd Evac. Hospital. On August 25th, he was sent to the 128th General Hospital in England. He returned to the United States on February 18th, 1945 at Camp Shanks, NY. Before being sent to O'Reilly General Hospital in Springfield, Missouri for rehabilitation from his wounds. He was discharged from the army on May 20th, 1947 at Fort Custer, Michigan.
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