Pvt. Alfred D. Sheridan
L Company, Third Battalion,
358th Infantry Regiment, 90th Division
My father, Alfred D. Sheridan, was drafted at the age of 18 on August 3rd, 1943 and went on to serve in L Company, Third Battalion, 358th Infantry of the 90th Division. His division landed on Utah Beach in Normandy on D-Day Plus 2 (June 8th, 1944). He was wounded at the Battle of Hill 122 on the Cherbourg Peninsula on July 13th, 1944. He received a Purple Heart and a Bronze Star Medal for "Meritorious Achievement in Ground Operations Against The Enemy on or about July 13th, 1944".
Daniel A. Sheridan
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Pvt. Robert P. McNamara
L Company, Third Battalion,
358th Infantry Regiment, 90th Division
75 Years and Three Generations Later:
D-Day Remembered — A Story of War, Fate and Homage
By Deborah McNamara
It was June 1944. My grandfather, Robert Patrick McNamara Sr., was set to land on Utah Beach on D-Day Plus 2, June 8th. When the Third Battalion, 90th Division waded waist deep amidst choppy waters to reach the French beaches, they found ruined boats and shell holes. There had been hundreds of vessels extending as far as the eye could see. The 90th Division Association Battle History reported that along the sandy road that the soldiers followed inland there were empty ammunition cases, discarded packs, helmets and pieces of clothing...
Within a few weeks, nearly 90% of the men in Company L would be killed, himself included. Click here to read more.
Pvt. Bill Rhodes
L Company, Third Battalion,
358th Infantry Regiment, 90th Division
Which Way is the Enemy?
By Bill Rhodes
While combat soldiers have many similar experiences, each soldier has his own unique experiences of the war, his own individual story to tell, and this is my story, exactly as I remember it. Which Way is the Enemy?
One day, while serving in Normandy, I was a confused replacement trying to adjust to the shock of warfare and I said to my Sergeant. “Sergeant, I have just one question. Which way is the Enemy?”
His answer was “Don’t ask so many damn fool questions!” He was no doubt as frustrated with the war as I was. Click here to read more.
Pvt. Eldridge Bragg
L Company, Third Battalion,
358th Infantry Regiment, 90th Division
My father, Eldridge Bragg, fought with Company L, 358th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division during WWII. He fought in the Normandy Campaign, Northern France Campaign, and Rhineland Campaign. He was wounded by a mortar shell on January 13, 1945 near Braas Belgium. He lost a leg from the wound. Unfortunately, my father is now deceased and I am trying to find information of the date of his assignment to the 358th and any military activity of his unit of January 13. David B. Bragg
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Capt. Charles B. Bryan
L Company, Third Battalion,
358th Infantry Regiment, 90th Division
Capt. Bryan crossed over to France and joined the Third Battalion on 16 July 1944 while the Battalion was at Gores recovering from the bitter Foret de Mont Castre fight. Captain Bryan was given command of Company L.
It was with L Company that he participated in the dash across France, the storming of the Moselle and Saar Rivers, and the "Tettingen Incident." For his outstanding bravery in these actions, he received the French Croix de Guerre at a presentation in Metz.
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Sgt. Rocco N. Gedaro
C Company, First Battalion,
357th Infantry Regiment, 90th Division
I landed on D+2 at Utah Beach, Normandy, France as a replacement for Company " C " 357 Inf. 90th Division. I fought as a rifleman from June 8, 1944 to Jan. 13, 1945, without being wounded. Any infantryman, who landed in Normandy, France saw plenty of combat action against the enemy. (The German Army).
An infantryman had to fire his weapon, whether it was a M1 rifle, BAR, or machine gun, at the enemy. He also had to throw hand grenades from behind one hedge, to where the enemy was taking cover, behind another hedge. At the same time he has to seek cover behind a hedge, all the while, he is being fired upon by the enemy with rifle fire, concussion grenades, machine gun fire, motor shells, and artillery. Click here to read about Rocky.