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TO PatchThis website is dedicated to Pvt. Robert P. McNamara, and to the veterans of the 90th Infantry Division who fought in World War II. The red T-O of the division patch originally stood for Texas-Oklahoma, but the 90th soon became known as the Tough 'Ombres.

  • Pvt. Sheridan
  • Pvt. McNamara
  • Pvt. Rhodes
  • Pvt. Bragg
  • Capt. Bryan
  • Sgt. Gedaro

Pvt SheridanPvt. Alfred D. Sheridan

L Company, Third Battalion,
358th Infantry Regiment, 90th Division

My father, Alfred D. Sheridan, was drafted at the age of 18 on August 3rd, 1943 and went on to serve in L Company, Third Battalion, 358th Infantry of the 90th Division. His division landed on Utah Beach in Normandy on D-Day Plus 2 (June 8th, 1944). He was wounded at the Battle of Hill 122 on the Cherbourg Peninsula on July 13th, 1944. He received a Purple Heart and a Bronze Star Medal for "Meritorious Achievement in Ground Operations Against The Enemy on or about July 13th, 1944".

Daniel A. Sheridan

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